Lilac my wonderful stinging kind of city, I asked her to write us a few words about how we can get more ready for winter,
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Prepare your body for winter: Just as we want our vehicle to travel properly even in winter, so
We would also like to prepare the body and mind for the upcoming cold season.
I mean, you should probably go to the garage to change oils and come to alternative treatment at the clinic to strengthen the immune system and improve the body and mind, but there is a lot to do to maintain the composition (body) ourselves as well.
Therefore, I recommend you the following tips:
Routine maintenance and periodic inspection of the vehicle
It is enough that a regular brake test will reveal a slight problem that you could handle even on normal days, but in winter it can put you at risk of slipping on the road, right?
And what about the body?
Every morning, move for a few seconds in all directions all the major joints in the body: ankles, knees and hip joints, shoulders, elbows and wrist, and spine. Twisting, lateral bending or raiding and bending will help the whole system to be well oiled even when cold and not to cause an accident, i.e., injury from lack of movement.ה.
Maintenance of vehicle headlights
The use of car headlights in the winter season is extremely important, both to see and to be seen.
And we?
Just as my cat spends as much time in the sunlight, so of course I would too. Reality Check - takes vitamin D, and tries to have warm lighting at home and at work. Of course, spend as much time outside as possible until the days start to lengthen, walk, play sports or just play ball outside with the neighbor's child / dog who is no longer asleep / the aging wall will work great!!
Preparing a car for the winter - one of the most important things in the winter - checking the brakes
Doubly important in the winter season.
And when was the last time you said no to a task you really did not feel like when you took a break and really rested for a moment, you let yourself rest until your whole nervous system calmed down and you felt like after a good cup of tea with cinnamon and ginger peel, and zero stress if you stopped for a moment to think For the answer, it's time for a free afternoon.צ חופשי.
Preparing a car for the winter - car fluids are an important thing!
Really important in the winter season: oil change, antifreeze in the cooler, windshield washer fluid.
Let me tell you a little about the autumn season, the season of dryness in terms of Chinese medicine, or did you feel what you were doingשים?
Exterior skin care: Everything that is pleasant and adds moisture is really important, because the skin is a protection system for the body. Skin care from the inside: Add to food and drink what you like and suitable for the season: A warm herbal infusion (cinnamon bark, ginger, lemon, cardamom and sage) Soups from root vegetables that can be cooked with bones (if you like) to strengthen the kidneys. You should add citrus fruits that are in season now, avocados and pecans, which are rich in fats and vitamins. So the skin improves as well as the internal organs, the brain, the digestive system and the immune system!ת!
Preparing a car for the winter - tires Ladies Tires!
Worn tires are a double risk in the winter season. It is very important to also check the air pressure that may directly affect the steering in the vehicle.
Come on, I do not think you want me to tell you about my tires.
After all, I'll tell you that you should cut down on sweets, empty carbs (we said donuts) and dairy products, which can be detrimental to the immune system. If you're thinking about the next donut, think it's worth having a stronger immune system than a sweet of a moment :)
Vehicle battery test
If there is a low power flow from the battery should be checked, and if so, replace it as soon as possible.
And how you recharge your batteries recommends a good book, a fun game, a free afternoon, or a good dance workshop up north!ון!
Proper wipers
Obviously, right?
Of course with us too. Still, I will add, that if you take a lot of showers, especially in the morning, especially with lots of boiling water on your neck, be sure to finish with lukewarm or cooler water, and do not leave the house with wet hair. You should also cover your neck with a scarf or close a window at night if the bed is under the window, so that the nape of the neck stays warm.
Wishing everyone a safe and enjoyable trip, a pleasant winter full of good traffic and health!