,My medicine cabinet this winter

..For years my medicine cabinet has been displaying a variety of essential oils, supplements and vitamins

I wanted to share with you how I help my body get stronger

?What's in my closet?

-Organo oil

It works for me like a pesticide and I use it as soon as I feel an itch in my throat, general weakness or a stuck cough. I take a few drops in the water it is not very pleasant and needs a lot of courage to deal with its pungent taste but it works over and over again .. The oil is found in every health food store and usually comes mixed with olive oil

- Myrtle oil, tea tree, eucalyptus, black pepper and mint

Wonderful essential oils for strengthening the body in winter, accompany us all year round but especially in winter. I make a lari mixture from them, dilute it with olive oil and apply it after a hot shower on the chest and upper back area, when the larva cools it always starts with a moist cough and the essential oils open the breath, relieve the cough and expel the mucus that accumulates in the airways. Trying to massage his upper back after every shower, and during the day when coughing pats lightly on the back and chest so I help propel the mucus out

Oils at home in the burner

Very fond of heating the house and purifying the regular and beloved air will be clove essential oil, eucalyptus, black pepper, cardamom, cinnamon and tea tree

In the regular treatment I am treated with a classic homeopathy that leaves me strengthened and healthy mentally and physically, the homeopathy accompanies me from infancy and it is already for another post .. Besides I am treated by Lilac the wonderful stinger from the previous post, comes to her in acute cases but also about once a month for strengthening treatment.

Mom taught me recently and it helps me a lot in keeping my body warm, makes in the morning a whole thermos of hot water and cinnamon sprigs, cardamom and a little turmeric it is delicious comforting and keeps my body warm and also encourages drinking because it tastes delicious

Do you have a tip that works for you every winter anew we would really love for you to write to us here in the comments - there is no wisdom like that of the masses 

..Only health and a pleasant winter



This information accompanies me in my personal life and does not imply or purport to replace medical or professional advice -

The information published on the website does not constitute medical advice. It is mandatory to consult a suitable professional before starting any use of any product or preparation

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