Spirulina seaweed soap

Handmade natural spirulina algae soap.

Contains the superfood rich in vitamins and minerals - the spirulina algae.
The soap will be especially good for acneic skin or pimples while maintaining the skin's natural moisture.
Produced using a cold method to maintain the qualities of the oils and allow you to enjoy a product that is 100% natural, nourishing and leaves the skin soft and pleasant.
* Does not contain palm oil
Weight soap unit- ย  100 g
For daily washing of the whole body, including the face and hands (carefully on the eyes). Suitable for all skin types, especially the more delicate ones.


Cold pressed olive oil, coconut oil, castor oil, water, sodium hydroxide, spirulina powder.
French lavender, tea tree and Egyptian geranium.
*If you are known to be sensitive to one of the ingredients, do not use the product.
19.90 โ‚ช
15.00 โ‚ช

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Rebcca G.
Smells so good

Thank you so much for the soap, it smells so good. And for the mini serum! Everything is so sweet and caring. Will test everything and write you again. Already used the face cream (couldnโ€˜t wait). Take care!
